Gomal University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmaceutics


In 1990 the department of pharmacy, Gomal University was upgraded to Faculty of Pharmacy where department of Pharmaceutics was established among the other three departments.

Pharmaceutics is one of the major departments of Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University, holding about major part of the total pharmacy curricula, indicating the length of areas covered in the field of pharmaceutics.  

The Department of Pharmaceutics works to promote the efficacy and safety of therapeutics through inclusive teaching and transformative research in the drug delivery and disposition sciences. It is about an applied science encompassing the drug discovery, physical and chemical characterization, dosage form designing, formulation development, prototype and industrial manufacturing.,


The department of Pharmaceutics has its vision about to be nationally and internationally known as a center of brilliance in pharmaceutics and drug delivery, as distinguished by our innovative work in academia and research.

 Mission & Objective

The mission of this department is to prepare competent & qualified pharmacists/industrial scientists, Master/doctorate researchers with a fundamental understanding of all aspects of dosage form design, evaluation and manufacturing.

  • Recruiting, developing and retaining outstanding faculty, research scientists, graduate students and support professionals


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