Gomal University

Department of English Literature

Master of Philosophy in English Literature


The M.Phil. in English Literature at Gomal University is an advanced postgraduate program designed to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of literary studies. This program is tailored for individuals who wish to pursue scholarly research and academic careers in literature. The M.Phil. curriculum offers a comprehensive exploration of literary theory, critical analysis, and the historical and cultural contexts of literature, covering a wide range of periods and genres.

Students in the program engage with complex literary texts, from classical to contemporary works, and explore diverse literary traditions, including British, American, and Postcolonial literature. The program emphasizes independent research, culminating in a thesis that reflects original thought and a thorough understanding of the chosen literary topic.

The department is staffed by experienced and research-active faculty members who provide guidance and support throughout the research process. The program also encourages participation in seminars, conferences, and workshops to enhance students’ academic and professional development.

The M.Phil. in English Literature at Gomal University prepares graduates for careers in academia, research, publishing, and other fields that require strong analytical and communication skills. It serves as a stepping stone for those interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature or related disciplines.

Program Features

Admission Requirement: Must be having BS English & Literature (16 years of Education) with minimum 2nd division in their academic careers. 

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
ENG. 701Research Methodology 3
ENG. 702Modern Critical Trends & Literary Theories3
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
Eng. 703Greek Drama3
Eng.704Elizabethan Drama3
Eng. 705Shakespearean Studies3
Eng. 706Chaucer and the Medieval Narrative3
Eng.707Renaissance Literature and Culture3
Eng.70817th Century Novel2
Semester – III
Code Course Name Credit Hours
Eng. 703Greek Drama3
Eng.704Elizabethan Drama3
Eng. 705Shakespearean Studies3
Eng. 706Chaucer and the Medieval Narrative3
Eng.707Renaissance Literature and Culture3
Eng.70817th Century Novel2
Semester – IV
Code Course Name Credit Hours
Eng.715Continental Drama3
Eng.716Sub Continental Literature in English3
Eng.717Modern Novel3
Eng.718Modern and Contemporary Poetry3
Eng.719Continental Drama3
Eng.720Sub Continental Literature in English 2
Semester – V
Code Course Name Credit Hours
Eng.721Special Author 3
Eng.722Literature and Visual Narratives3
Eng.723 Language and Gender3
Eng.724Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)3
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