Gomal University

Department of Paramedical Science

Bachelor of Science in Lab. Technology


  • In order to get ready the students of medical lab technology to deliver best from the primary to the tertiary level health care.
  • To lead ordinary technical education with new up-to-date practice in the fields of technologies in medical.
  • To deliver allied health expert in health care delivery system.
  • In order to aware the allied health workers with job status and their tasks in health care delivery system and also work on improving their responsibility capacity.
  • To prepare allied health professionals with current skills and latest technical information.

Program Features

Admission Requirement: HSSC (Pre-Medical) or equivalent with minimum 50% marks. Pathology Diploma. Age limit 22 years (Relaxation up to 5 years in Genuine case).

Semester - I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-101Medical Biochemistry -13+1
pms-102Human Physiology -13+1
pms-103Human Anatomy -13+1
pm-105Pak Studies2+0
pms-106Computer Skills1+1
Semester - II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-107Medical Biochemistry II3+1
pms-108Human Physiology II3+1
pms-109Human Anatomy II3+1
pms-110English II2+0
pms-111Islamic Studies2+0
Semester - III
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-201General Pathology -12+1
pms-202General Pharmacology -12+1
pms-203Clinical Bacteriology-12+1
pms-205Molecular Biology 2+1
pms-206Communication Skills2+0
Semester - IV
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-233general pathology-ii2+1
pms-250rbcs disorder2+1
pms-391clinical virology and mycology2+1
pms-252humain genetics2+1
pms-235behavioral sciences2+0
Semester - V
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-334wbc and platelets disorder2+1
pms-335clinical parasitology2+1
pms-336chemical pthology2+1
pms-337clinical pathology2+1
pms-338 laboratory mathemathics2+1
Semester - VI
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-388blood banking2+1
pms-389immunology and serology2+1
pms-390laboratory instrumentation and techniniques2+1
pms-251diagnostic bacteriology2+1
pms-cytology and cytogenetics2+1
pms-histo techniques2+1
Semester - VII
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-402fundamental of infection control1+1
pms-433med.lab management skills2+1
pms-432bio informatics2+1
pms-434research methodology2+1
pms-435bio statistics2+1
Semester - VIII
Code Course Name Credit Hours
pms-461reserch project/final project6
pms-410bio ethics1+1
pms-464 toxicology and forensics serology2+1
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