Gomal University

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Department of English Literature


The Department of English at Gomal University, located in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, is a well-established academic unit that offers a comprehensive study of English language and literature. The department provides a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs designed to enhance students’ understanding of English literature, linguistics, and language skills.

With a curriculum that spans from classical to contemporary literature, the department emphasizes critical analysis, literary theory, and the cultural contexts of texts. Students engage with diverse literary genres, including poetry, drama, and fiction, and explore works from various periods and regions, particularly focusing on British, American, and Postcolonial literature.

The department is staffed by experienced faculty members who are dedicated to fostering a deep appreciation of literature and developing students’ analytical and communication skills. In addition to classroom learning, the department encourages students to participate in seminars, workshops, and literary events, which enrich their academic experience.

Gomal University’s Department of English plays a vital role in the intellectual and cultural development of its students, preparing them for careers in teaching, writing, research, and other fields where strong language and analytical skills are essential.


The mission of the Department of English at Gomal University is to cultivate a deep understanding and appreciation of English language and literature. The department aims to foster critical thinking, effective communication, and cultural awareness among students by providing a diverse and inclusive curriculum. Through rigorous academic training, research opportunities, and engagement with literary texts from various traditions, the department prepares students to excel in their professional and academic pursuits. It is committed to nurturing intellectual growth and preparing graduates to contribute meaningfully to society through their knowledge of language and literature.


The vision of the Department of English at Gomal University is to become a leading center of excellence in English studies, recognized for its innovative teaching, research, and scholarship. The department aspires to cultivate a dynamic academic environment that inspires creativity, critical inquiry, and intellectual growth. By integrating global perspectives with local contexts, the department seeks to produce graduates who are not only proficient in language and literature but also capable of contributing to the cultural, intellectual, and social advancement of society. It envisions empowering students to become leaders, educators, and thinkers in the field of English studies.

Bachelor of Science in English Literature
    Duration: 04 Years
   Credit Hours: 127 Hours
   Semester: 08
   Campus: Main Campus
   M.Phil in English Literature       
    Duration: 02 Years
   Credit Hours: 30 Hours
   Semester: 02
   Campus: Main Campus
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