Gomal University

Gomal University

Faculty of Pharmacy 


Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Faculty has been recognized as one of the most prestigious institutions of Pharmacy within the country and abroad. It has comparatively shorter but exciting history, dating back to 1975, when a dedicated Department of Pharmacy began delivering pharmaceutical education, first in the Government Science College at the City Campus and then in the Department of Chemistry at New Campus of the Gomal University.

In the beginning the Department of pharmacy was conferring a three-year B-Pharmacy degree. Later on in 1980 the three-year Bachelor of Pharmacy Course was replaced with a Four-year post-Inter level degree accredited as equivalent to the Master Degree by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

In 1983, the department moved to a purpose designed building on the University’s New Campus. During the first decade of its life the Department grew fast in size and stature. Consequently, in 1990 it was upgraded to the current status of ‘Faculty of Pharmacy’ comprising four full-fledged departments viz. Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Department of Pharmacognosy.

In 2020 this faculty was shrined to Department of Pharmacy and Gomal Center of Pharmaceutical Sciences (GCPS), However in 2023 it was again splitted into five departments (Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Department of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Department of Pharmacognosy) and one research center (GCPS).

The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a wide range of taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels leading to professional and vocational qualifications and good employment opportunities. The quality of taught provision has been recognized by the Quality Assurance Agencies and by many Professional and Statutory Bodies. Our research excellence has also been widely acknowledged. The curriculum is relevant and modern, with the Pharmacy degree having full professional accreditation. It is not surprising that the vast majority of our graduates find employment soon after graduation.


The mission of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Gomal University is to provide high-quality education and training in pharmaceutical sciences, fostering innovation and research that contribute to the advancement of healthcare. The faculty is dedicated to producing competent pharmacists who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and ethical values necessary to meet the evolving needs of the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare sector. Through a commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and community service, the faculty aims to enhance public health and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.


The vision of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Gomal University is to be a leading institution in pharmaceutical education, research, and healthcare innovation. It aspires to cultivate a dynamic learning environment that prepares students to become global leaders in the pharmacy profession. The faculty envisions itself as a hub for cutting-edge research, contributing to advancements in drug development, patient care, and public health. By fostering collaborations with industry, academia, and healthcare organizations, the faculty aims to impact society positively and set new standards of excellence in pharmaceutical sciences and healthcare services.

The Faculty of Pharmacy offered the following degree and diploma programs.

1. Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D)

  • Entry requirements: FSc pre-medical at least 60% marks
  • Duration: 5 years

2. Category-B

  • Entry requirements: Matric (Science)
  • Duration: 2 years

3. M.Phil in

i. Pharmaceutics

ii. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

iii. Pharmacology

iv. Pharmacognosy

  • Entry requirements: Pharm-D/B.Pharm, MBBS/BDS (only Pharmacology)
  • Duration: 2 years

4. Ph.D. in

i. Pharmaceutics

ii. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

iii. Pharmacology

iv. Pharmacognosy

  • Entry requirements: M.Phil in relevant subject
  • Duration: 3 years

Dean's Message

Welcome to Gomal University, Faculty of Pharmacy. Since 1974, the Faculty of Pharmacy is home to many top pharmacy students, leading edge research programs, and practiced health care providers. This Faculty is the 3rd in the country and 1st in KPK oldest Faculty providing Pharmacy education.

This Faculty is committed to excellence and innovation in Pharmacy education of the future pharmacists, research in the pharmaceutical sciences, and service to our community and profession. The comprehensive structure of this Faculty provides our students with an exceptional learning environment and a unique opportunity for inter-professional education where elements of learning from and with each other across all healthcare disciplines are greatly enhanced.

Our PharmD program provides a balanced curriculum with a combination of general education, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy practice and experiential education courses in a context that emphasizes patient care, evidence based practice, professionalism and adherence to the highest level of ethical standards.

This Faculty offers PharmD, M.Phil and PhD program and comprises of 5 departments, one center of research and one center of diploma program.

The research center’s programs are supported by centers of excellence in diverse areas of pharmacy research, such as Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Pharmacy Practice.

Barkat A Khan, Ph.D.

1st Professional Pharm.D.

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
ENG 300English-A (Functional English)2
PHARM 310Pharmaceutics-IA (Physical Pharmacy)3+1
PHARM 311Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IA (Organic)3+1
PHARM 312Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IIA (Biochemistry)3+1
PHARM 313Physiology-A3+1
PHARM 314Anatomy & Histology3+1
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 515Pharmacy Practice-IIB (Community, Social & Administrative Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 516Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IIIB (Pharmaceutical Analysis) 3+1
PHARM 517Pharmacology and Therapeutics-IIB 3+1
PHARM 518Pharmacognosy-IIB (Advanced)3+1
PHARM 519Pharmacy Practice-III (Computer and its Applications in Pharmacy)3+1

2nd Professional Pharm.D.

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
IS 402Islamic Studies3
PHARM 410 Pharmaceutics-IIA (Dosage Form Science)3+1
PHARM 411Pharmaceutics-IIIA (Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology)3+1
PHARM 412Pharmacology and Therapeutics-IA3+1
PHARM 413Pharmacognosy-IA (Basic) 3+1
PHARM 414Pharmacy Practice-IA (Pharmaceutical Mathematics)3
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PS 403Pakistan Studies2
PHARM 415Pharmaceutics-IIB (Dosage Form Science)3+1
PHARM 416Pharmaceutics-IIIB (Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology)3+1
PHARM 417Pharmacology and Therapeutics-IB3+1
PHARM 418Pharmacognosy-IB (Basic)3+1
PHARM 419Pharmacy Practice-IB (Bio-statistics)3

3rd Professional Pharm.D.

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 510Pharmacy Practice-IIA (Dispensing Pharmacy) 3+1
PHARM 511Pharmaceutical Chemistry- IIIA (Pharmaceutical Analysis) 3+1
PHARM 512Pharmacology and Therapeutics-IIA 3+1
PHARM 513Pharmacognosy-IIA (Advanced)3+1
PHARM 514Pathology3+1
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 515Pharmacy Practice-IIB (Community, Social & Administrative Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 516Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IIIB (Pharmaceutical Analysis) 3+1
PHARM 517Pharmacology and Therapeutics-IIB 3+1
PHARM 518Pharmacognosy-IIB (Advanced)3+1
PHARM 519Pharmacy Practice-III (Computer and its Applications in Pharmacy)3+1

4th Professional Pharm.D.

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 610Pharmacy Practice-IVA (Hospital Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 611Pharmacy Practice-VA (Clinical Pharmacy) 3+1
PHARM 612Pharmaceutics-IVA (Industrial Pharmacy) 3+1
PHARM 613Pharmaceutics-VA (Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics) 3+1
PHARM 614Pharmaceutics-VIA (Pharmaceutical Quality Management)3+1
PHARM 419Pharmacy Practice-IB (Bio-statistics)3
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 615Pharmacy Practice-IVB (Hospital Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 616Pharmacy Practice-VB (Clinical Pharmacy) 3+1
PHARM 617Pharmaceutics-IVB (Industrial Pharmacy) 3+1
PHARM 618Pharmaceutics-VB (Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics) 3+1
PHARM 619Pharmaceutics-VIB (Pharmaceutical Quality Management)3+1

5th Professional Pharm.D.

Semester – I
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 710Pharmaceutics-VIIA Pharmaceutical Technology) 3+1
PHARM 711Pharmacy Practice-VIA (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy-II) 3+1
PHARM 712Pharmacy Practice-VIIA (Forensic Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 713Pharmacy Practice-VIIIA (Pharmaceutical Management & Marketing) 3
PHARM 714Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IVA (Medicinal Chemistry)3+1
Semester – II
Code Course Name Credit Hours
PHARM 715Pharmaceutics- VIIB (Pharmaceutical Technology)3+1
PHARM 716Pharmacy Practice-VIB (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy-II) 3+1
PHARM 717Pharmacy Practice-VIIB (Forensic Pharmacy) 3
PHARM 718Pharmacy Practice-VIIIB (Pharmaceutical Management & Marketing) 3
PHARM 719Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IVB (Medicinal Chemistry)3+1
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