Gomal University

Faculty of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics


Department of Agricultural Economics under domain of Faculty of Agriculture Gomal University prepares students to analyze economic issues systematically and objectively, and to come up with practical solutions for the pursuit of socio-economic development. It seeks to equip students for a wide range of roles in the private sector as well as in the public sector. Department of Economics stay in contact with our students after graduate and seek reinforce work with personal guidance, useful research studies and training for their associates. Department of Agricultural Economics offers B.Sc(Hons), M.Sc(Hons) and Ph.D in Agricultural Economics. Department is striving to make courses at Bachelor and Master levels as understandable, useful and interesting as possible. Each student will prepare a thesis at Master Level and dissertation at Ph.D level based on his/ her original research work.


Department of Agricultural Economics is one the unique institution of its kind and a future-oriented highly professional academic Institution committed to achieving academic excellence at the levels of B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Hons) and Ph.D education and research. The highly professional and trained Faculty are constantly contributing to the advancement of community in pursuit of socio-economic development. The Faculty will preserve and promote the nation’s economy and would be dedicated to the production of quality human resource for the knowledge-driven development and sustained technological revolution of the country.


  1. To prepare students and scholars at BSc (Hons), M.Sc (Hons) and Ph.D Agricultural Economics Levels to analyze agricultural economic problems objectively and systematically so as to come up with practical solutions.
  2. To stay in touch with passing out graduates and seek enforce work with useful academic and research guidance and on job trainings.
  3. To offer specialized courses that are taken by students at BSc Honours, M.Sc Honrs and Ph.D levels making sure such courses as understandable, practical, useful and interesting as possible.
  4. To provide conducive research environment for research scholars at MS/M.Phil and Ph.D levels for promoting quality research culture in the department.
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics
    Duration: 04 Years
   Credit Hours: 130 Hours
   Semester: 08
   Campus: Main Campus
MS/MSc (Hons.) in Agricultural Economics
    Duration: 02 Years
   Credit Hours: 30 Hours
   Semester: 02
   Campus: Main Campus
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