Gomal University

Faculty of FAVS

Department of Animal and Poultry Production (DAPP)


The Department of Animal and Poultry Production (DAPP) has been recognized as one of the most prestigious part for Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, within the country and abroad. The department was established in 2017.


The Institute is established to deliver excellent teaching and research environment to produce Scholars and graduates who distinguish themselves by their professional competence, research, entrepreneurship, humanistic outlook, ethical rectitude, pragmatic approach to problem solving, managerial skills and ability to respond to the challenge of socio-economic development to serve as the vanguard of techno-industrial transformation of the society.


Graduates of the DAPP, FVAS Gomal University will:

  • Demonstrate profound knowledge of the basics as well as relevant practical skills, with fundamental context and application in their relevant discipline.
  • Demonstrate the behaviors of scholarly graduates by developing and utilizing the process of critical thinking, and inquiry, focused on improvement of practice and delivery of health care.
  • Understand, correlate and apply theoretical knowledge, to the practice and management of Animal and Poultry Science.
  • Incorporate positive attitudes and behaviors to the community, and will be able to adopt the advancement in management and diagnostic approach


Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
    Duration: 04 Years
   Credit Hours: 130 Hours
   Semester: 08
   Campus: Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Poultry Science
    Duration: 04 Years
   Credit Hours: 130 Hours
   Semester: 08
   Campus: Main Campus
Master of Philosophy in Poultry Science
    Duration: 02 Years
   Credit Hours: 33 Hours
   Semester: 04
   Campus: Main Campus
Doctor of Philosophy in Poultry Science
    Duration: 03 Years
   Credit Hours: 30 Hours
   Semester: 06
   Campus: Main Campus
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