Gomal University

Deportment of HORTICULTURE

Staff Members
Research & Publications
Programs & Courses
Introduction of Deportment

The department was established in 1982 and started the classes of B.Sc. (Hons), whereas the department introduced M.Sc. (Hons) in 1988 and then initiated Ph.D. Program in 1999. At first the department was located at City Campus, Gomal University, D.I.Khan and then was shifted to New Campus in September 2007 and now whole the faculty of Agriculture is in its Current Building, since 2011.

Our graduates acquire high positions in various public and private sector organizations in and outside the country. The department has also been entrusted the responsibility to develop a piece of land at new campus which was lying barren since the inception of the university and now has been converted to citrus orchard, mango orchard, botanical garden and nursery for future experimentation and a source of income generation.

The department of Horticulture makes a prominent part of the Faculty of Agriculture and is providing excellent teaching and research facility in the disciplines of floriculture, pomology and vegetable production. Almost 100% of the department’s faculty members are PhDs and devoted to excellence in education and research.

  • Promoting education and research on sustaining and enhancing agricultural productivity and natural resources under changing environmental scenario.

  • To provide academic training in fruit production, vegetable production and physiology, seed technology and landscape management.
  • To conduct problem oriented research and provide educational and research linkages for uplifting the living standards of the agricultural community.
  • To develop linkages with national and international organizations regarding agricultural research.
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