Gomal University

Department of Pakistan Study

Staff Members
Research & Publications
Programs & Courses
Introduction of Deportment

Gomal University D.I. Khan, established in 1974, by Pakistan People Party government with the objective of providing higher education to the youngsters of the underdeveloped D.I. Khan division in particular and NWFP in general and also to develop sound and strong knowledge base in some disciplines by strengthening teaching and learning process. With the passage of time the University continued its efforts to establish more departments. The shortage of social sciences disciplines which study human society and relationships among its individuals and to their society” like history, Political Science and Pakistan Studies was strongly felt in the University. To fill the vacuum, dozens of work on social science at least broke the ice in this regard and inaugurated the political Science Department Sociology, cycology and Pakistan Studies. The department of Pakistan studies was started 2019.The department offer programs BS/MS/M.Phil. in Pakistan Studies, PhD level at a later stage. The department will design comprehensive multi-disciplinary courses on various aspects of Pakistan. The major languages of the area are Pashto and Saraiki, which are full of literacy base and the most vital means of communication. These languages of the area i.e. Saraiki and Pashto speak of century’s long coexistence of the two cultural groups. This coexistence preserves places, archeological remains and written and spoken treatises basic to understanding of what we call the Indus civilization. The archaeological remnants in Sind cannot be grasped without knowing about the sights at Bilot, for instance. The Saraiki language is today studied in full-flagged department of Saraiki in two other Universities of the country, and has emerged as a subject catchy for research in many national and international universities and institutions.


Pakistan Studies departments has been started and developed with a mission to inculcate among the students a better understanding of Pakistan and its influence on the evolution and progress of the society, so that they may acquire proper perspective of thoughts and actions taken in the past. This approach will furnish the upcoming generation with knowledge and skill to promote a sense of patriotism and to develop universal human values in the society.


To establish a Department offering education at BS/MS//M.Phil in the field of Pakistan Studies, to produce the men power for research in political, linguistic, literary, cultural, social and traditional value system of the region on scientific lines. The Job of Pakistan Studies Department will be to focus on how to achieve the basic aims for which Pakistan came into existence. For achievement of its objective, the Centre will try to; Inculcate awareness about the multi-cultural heritage of Pakistan so as to enable the students to annunciate the socio-cultural diversity of Pakistani society in a better way and get used to idea of unity in diversity in our national context and to Induce national integration, cohesion and patriotism and encourage traits of observation, creativity, analysis and reflection. Impart awareness about various aspects of socio-economic activities at national and regional level and to prepare the people for the role to be played by them in the development of their society. To lay emphasis on the rights and obligations of the citizens of an independent and sovereign state and induce maturity in masses about political Science. To produce the man power for carrying research on scientific lines on linguistic, literary, cultural, social and traditional value system of the region and to enhance research and development activities on regional as well as national issues.


Master of Computer Science (MCS)

Master of Computer Science (MCS) Staff Members Research & Publications Programs & Courses Introduction This program aims at preparing well-rounded scientific/educational manpower with a depth of knowledge and research competence 

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B. S. Pakistan Study

Bachelor of Subject in Pakistan study Staff Members Research & Publications Programs & Courses Introduction Objective of BS Pakistan Study was developed to providing instruction, research, and dissemination of knowledge

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